Camping Tuned Cars Cut Insurance Premiums by Up to 40% From May

Insurance premiums for cars converted for camping will be up to 40% cheaper from May.

The Financial Supervisory Service announced on the 27th that it will apply the automobile insurance premium calculation system for camping structural change (tuning) vehicles from May 1.

Until now, you have been able to choose between camping and personal car insurance when tuning a car with a camping car, but you must all buy personal insurance in the future.

The Financial Supervisory Service decided to lower the actual premium to the level of camping by establishing a special discount rate while unifying insurance for passenger camping cars for personal use.

In addition, the Financial Supervisory Service allowed the car model to be changed to a passenger camping car if the seat of a business van with more than 11 passengers was removed and structured to a passenger camping car, and allowed to subscribe to auto insurance with a personal car.

Until now, they had to take out business car insurance, which is about 10 percent more expensive than personal car insurance. About 12,200 vehicles were approved for tuning after the revision of the Automobile Management Act as of this month.